SS-1-33, We Are More Independent
Drahuška a my..., NGO

Grant:€ 46,692.36

Drahuška and we, founded in 2006, connects people interested in lives of people with autism. In 2010 they have built a community for people with autism and related disabilities - Drahuškovo. From March 2012 they have status of sheltered workshop which allows their clients to do meaningful work.

Autismeforeningen i Norge - Autism Society Norway  - The partner will bring them new methods of work with people with autism to enhance deinstitutionalization, clients´ independence and social awareness.

Most of the inhabitants affected by autism and connected disabilities are dispersed in institutional type of services. Parents and motivated professionals started process of alternative care for autistic children in Slovakia. The idea of the project is to support personal independence of persons with severe mental disability and autism with aim to create the ability in them to lead independent life also out of community centre. This should be accomplished by professional cooperation with other organizations, professionals and parents of disabled people from Norway and Slovakia. Cooperation will be realized in the form of personal visits of representatives of individual groups, realization of workshops, lectures and exchange of experiences and supervision from Norwegian partner. With professional help of the partner in this project they will create individual development plans for 10 clients, which they will realize in practice during 18 months. The result of the project will be evaluation of their personal progress and efficiency of used methodologies and statements of professional recommendations. The results and progress will be presented on public workshop, printed manuals, articles, entries in media and exhibition.

Project goal: The objective of this project is to support personal independence of persons with severe mental disability and autism with aim to create the ability in them to lead independent life also out of community centre.

Main outcomes of the project:
- 1 Workshop for personnel of CC Drahuškovo and representatives from Norway
- Documentation of influence of newly implemented methodologies on 10 clients
- 1 Method of evaluation of progress of clients
-1 Public presentation of the project results


project web-page:


English  Slovensky