Ulita, civic association, Bratislava

Amount of the grant: 30 000 €

Objective of the project: The goal of the project is to do streetwork  and social field work focused on children and youth in the housing development of Sídlisko Kopčany, as well as to launch a pilot consultancy service in the virtual environment with the involvement of the community people and focus on sustainable changes.

The main outputs of the project:

  • Systematic field work with children and youth in the housing development of Sídlisko Kopčany (2,700 contacts made with children and young people)
  • Community events in Kopčany, which help to make children and young people involved and active (60 children and young people)
  • Community events in Kopčany, through which the wider community of the housing development is made involved and active (20 young adults, parents, and inhabitants)
  • Offer of advisory service to help clients get oriented in their critical situations and seek out additional services (30 young people and parents)
  • Citizen-initiated changes in the public space of the housing development (photo-documentation of changes)
  • Presentation of Sídlisko Kopčany with an aim to disturb the negative image of the place (4 presentation outcomes)
  • Educational meetings organised for the project team, which will cover important topics (internal education on crisis intervention and  distance counselling, teambuilding, team’s participation in supervisions and external training courses – seminars and internships) (10 employees and volunteers)
  • Creating space for the presentation of results; looking for effective solutions in the work with youth at risk at the municipal level (1 meeting), in the association of low-threshold programs for children and youth (at least 4 meetings a year), and as part of developing the organisational strategy (at least 6 meetings)  
  • Preparation of a new counselling service for youth in the virtual environment (1 service)

Websiteof the organization: www.ulita.eu.sk

English  Slovensky