Združenie mladých Rómov (Asociation of Young Roma), Banská Bystrica (location of project: Valaská, district of Brezno, Central Slovakia)

Grant: 57.500 €

Main goals and activities of the project: 
The project will create jobs for long-term unemployed and socially excluded persons in Valaská, close to Brezno. Part of the building, which belongs to the association, will be reconstructed, then laundry equipment will be purchased and installed and operation will be launched. Laundry’s services will be provided to various facilities nearby. The project will create working habits of people with low employability and will contribute to their social inclusion.

Main results of the project:
- 10 socially excluded persons (mainly Roma) will be involved - trained and employed;
- 1 social enterprise will be launched. 

Web page: www.youngroma.sk

English  Slovensky