Association of Towns and Municipalities (ZMOS), Bratislava

Grant: 38,007 €

Goal of the project:
to apply interactive and participatory techniques of target group involvement in EIA processes and provide the most effective transfer of gained experience directly to the daily practice of municipalities.

Main outcomes of the project:
a) elaboration of new methodology materials for towns and municipalities on EIA process realisation;
b) training of 60 future ZMOS regional co-ordinators by participation in a modelled EIA process;
c) trained coordinators will acquire practical experience by participation in 3 concrete EIA processes at various municipalities with support of EIA experts. In these processes, altogether 150 representatives of the public will take active part in decision-making;
d) elaboration of expert outcomes for members of ZMOS as well as the broad public, such as:
- portfolio of good examples from the practice,
- manual on elaboration of the Action plan on Environmental Impact Assessment with focus on the process of acceptation of generally binding regulations related to EIA,
- manual for the public – how to involve citizens to public planning and decision-making reflecting experiences in Norway,
- elaboration of a new legislative initiative;
e) spreading project outcomes especially toward ZMOS members through information days, thematic conference and information and education media.

Project web-pages:

English  Slovensky