Voices, non-profit organization, Bratislava

Amount of the grant: 35 937 €

Objective of the project: The goals of the project are to (i) support active citizenship of young people via events and short movies, (ii) motivate young people to become involved in community life, and (iii) lead them to understanding and elimination of hate speech and discrimination.

The main outputs of the project:

  • Short movies will be made about organisations, initiatives and activities, which lead to elimination of hate speech, extremism, and xenophobia, and support multicultural understanding and cooperation (5 films)
  • Events Voices Live will be organised (5 events; 250 – 300 participants directly present at the event; 800 people online per one broadcasting; 3,000 viewers of each event’s record)
  • Voices Live will be used as a mechanism of improving cooperation and civic dialogue between public and non-governmental organisations (1 mechanism)
  • Activities supporting elimination of both verbal and written forms of hate speech, which lead to incitement of race hatred, extremism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and homophobia (5 films, 5 events)
  • Activities informing schools about the existence of the short films (2 articles, 600 schools, 250 teachers)
  • Media outcomes informing about the project activities (5 media, 20 outcomes)
  • Non-governmental organisations involved in the project (50 MVO)

Websiteof the organization: www.voices.sk

English  Slovensky